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Architectural Education

What do you wish you could or could have learnt in architecture in the last 4 semesters or in diploma (for diploma students) that would improve your understanding in architecture. 


I was graduated Diploma in Architecture from ALFA College. During the time were i was still figuring out what to study after my SPM, i wanted to be a pilot that was my dream from young (is still now), so how did i ended up in Architecture? Well my Uncle was an certified Architecture in the UK and SG, he told me that Architecture is not about building and space we live in, but an art where it create beautiful forms and spaces that inspire humans within.

Architectural education is about more than learning to design great spaces and whether or not you realize it at the time, it is also a great teacher of other life lessons. All the skills that we attain incidentally during our journey in architecture school, but which will be an asset outside of academia as well.

My personal experience, i'm currently working and studying since i was 18, most of my friend ask me how do i manage my time and don't you feel exhausted and stressful carrying so much weight. Well to be honest yes it is exhausted from the point where i feel like giving up, it was like a living hell at the beginning but this is life even after u graduate from College/University. Once u learn to adapt and you will have to make sacrifices in order to do well in life. Anyone who has friends studying or working as an architecture will tell u that they are always be up and always be working, and often 7 days a week too. This is not a self torture but in fact we are actively encouraged to teach our self. This is the iterative process. Most architecture student are continually exploring architecture. There simply is no defined point to stop; your references are your peers and you will continually encourage each other to improve and to keep at it. It is for this reason that architecture is not something you can just fall into. You have to want it, you have to fight for it

Architecture is a subject which not only you have to be good in it but it is definitely an advantage to be a good all-rounder because you need to be able to do good business as a result. Architecture is undoubtedly subjective and therefore your tutors will tend to find value (or lack of) in things that you don’t (or others don’t) and vice versa. When you stop focusing on what other people do (or think) then you will become more capable of focusing on your individual design value and agenda. Because each and every person have their own taste in art, style, colour and so on.

Believe in yourself and forget about winning or losing. Ultimately, by ruling out the process of comparison you begin to define your own standards and measures of success which, in my case, is greater than the perceived expectations that someone else will place upon me. Always be satisfied with your achievement, irrespective of your mark and of those around you, part of what makes architecture so exciting is the fact that everyone contributes uniquely to its perception, discourse and practice.

My architecture is easy to understand and enjoy, I hope it also is hard to forget. – Oscar Niemeyer

Break the rules not the law!. It is important to think of the design brief as your minimum expectation. Our tutors establish the brief to ensure students address particular challenges and important considerations relating to the design subject. 

There will be a number of rules which are outlined in the brief, ‘the house must be 2 stories high’ or ‘you must have 6m setback from the road.’ However, if you have a better solution, break and/or negotiate the rules – but always understand why. Curiosity will lead to discovery, which in turn will lead to questioning: so why does the house need to be 2 stories? There is never only one answer rather university is about speculating many and asking the right questions.

By doing this you think about how architecture works as opposed to how it looks. When it comes to the design brief, rules are made to be broken; and when done so successfully you will stand out from your peers, as well as generate a more valuable discussion for learning.

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