Regards of simplicity and complexity which we had discussed from the lecture today, I will be discussing about the design project that I had developed during my Year 2 Sem3. In the project, we are required to design a Art Gallery in a specific site which located in Shah Alam.
The building basically is a two storey building which blend in with natural and modern element.
From the ground floor , the first thing we can see is the lobby and the reception area which is located in the middle of the building. As the building is purpose for the people who doing quilting activity , so the lobby is set at a moderate area which allow the people to access to each and every space with ease. Each and every space are separated to have a smooth human circulation flow and safety purpose.
In term of mixture of natural, the building itself is surrounded by a urban park and an outdoor semi open area cafe where is to allow the visitors or peoples who work there can enjoy the natural with a nice cup of coffee. It was designed this way is because I want to blend the environment with the building where mankind and mother nature can unite together and harmony.
I agree with Frank Lloyd Wright, who grew up with the motto “Truth against the World,” wrote: “Visions of simplicity so broad and far-reaching would open to me and such building harmonies appear that . . . would change and deepen the thinking and culture of the modern world." Mankind always tried to think of ways to make life easier and intended to add technology, and other element. They forget about simplicity, is it necessarily to have all theses technology or others to be added?.
Rationalizations for simplification are still current, however, though subtler than the early arguments. They are expansions of Mies van der Rohe’s magnificent paradox, “less is more.” Which said that not all building with many spaces, element, etc are consider good and not all building with less space, element, etc are consider bad.
In conclusion I have to agree with Vittorio Gregotti saying on simplicity,
“Eloquent simplicity can be reached through great effort, but it is never a good starting point, nor above all, an objective at any cost. Architecture is not simple; it can only become simple”. Designing a simple building has become a very complicated problem, at least for those who believe that simplicity in architecture must make contradiction itself clear and comprehensible without denying its existence and its value as a material for establishing difference.
“Eloquent simplicity can be reached through great effort, but it is never a good starting point, nor above all, an objective at any cost. Architecture is not simple; it can only become simple”. Designing a simple building has become a very complicated problem, at least for those who believe that simplicity in architecture must make contradiction itself clear and comprehensible without denying its existence and its value as a material for establishing difference.