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A  R  C  H  I  T  E  C  T  U  R  A  L
E  D  U  C  A  T  I  O  N

As a student of architecture there’s many new things I've learned and want to say here that my life has changed from the past, last time during study in high school I did a lot of reading and assist teachers from high school but not now, now all is free and I'm free to voice my expressions through
my design project work.

During my diploma time, I still confuse am I chose the right decision because this is my future determinant. Just a couple of weeks in the journey of my life that environment has given me enough of an introduction to the life of being a graduate architecture student that I have a sense of what’s in store for me over the next three intense years.

In that time, I also got an opportunity to meet my classmates, whose diverse educational, cultural and professional backgrounds form the richly varied culture that characterizes the school. In fact, some of the students come from a non-architecture background: Some majored in philosophy, economics, chemistry and other diverse subjects. During this time, I eagerly awaited the start of classes with a mix of excitement and, admittedly, nervousness. In conversation with my classmates, I quickly realized I was not alone in this regard.


I sincerely grateful for UCSI to provide such a creative learning process in architecture which brings up my passion about building design and make my very first step into Building Design & Construction industry or Architecture Industry. But I believe that, there is still more to improve or I could have learnt during my two years of Diploma plus the learning outcome and the teaching process that is given by the lecturer is still lack of the reality towards Industry.

During presentation time, the people who didn’t attend architectural school they don’t understand the panel. They don’t realize how difficult it is to stand up in front of a room full of your classmates and tutors and “explain” why you designed your project the way you did. “Explain” isn’t really the right word … “defend” might be better.
Depending on the style of the tutors, these juries could be brutally and emotionally damaging. I recall one of the jury in particular from my first year watching one of my classmates walk up to his drawings that were pinned on the panel and prepare to present his work. Before he could open his mouth and utter a single word, one of the jurors stood up, walked over to his design and said why your building looks like a toilet. In other word the jury should said that, maybe can help the student to improve the design and give good comments.
An internship is the answer! After finishing up my sophomore year here at UCSI, I thought that this was a great time to put my skills to the test. Through networking, I was able to land a full-time internship with EMILDA Architect at Malacca for the summer. It is a small firm under lawyer firm – NORDIN Group. My first project that my boss gave me is I have to renovate one bungalow house. At that time, I lack of construction knowledge, luckily my colleague helps me and I managed to finished it. That’s what architecture needs ‘TEAM WORK’. During doing my intern I’ve learn a lot that is during study and working is so much different.

Currently, I’m studying bachelor of architecture… I met new friends and new environment. Even I already done internship, I still feel like I still have to learn more, for me I still lack of designing, presentation skill etc. With the help of my friends I think I can gain more knowledge. And one more thing architecture should not make you feel stress but fun because you can express your feeling through art.

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