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Simplicity VS Complexity

By Logeshwaran Muthu   

Simplicity, “as a process of adhering to the essence of use, to lack of ornament, and to mimesis of the technical reproducibility and expressive rigor of utensils, has, as we know, been to the most prominent and common stylistic banner of modernity in this century.” by Vittorio Gregotti in philosophical text. For complexity, ‘is like elements which are hybrid rather than “pure,” compromising rather than “clean,” distorted rather than “straightforward,” ambiguous rather than “articulated,” perverse as well as impersonal, boring as well as “interesting,” conventional rather than “designed,” accommodating rather than excluding, redundant rather than simple, vestigial as well as innovating, inconsistent and equivocal rather than direct and clear.” by Robert Venturi in reflective text article.

  Simplicity, “as a process of adhering to the essence of use, to lack of ornament, and to mimesis of the technical reproducibility and expressive rigor of utensils, has, as we know, been to the most prominent and common stylistic banner of modernity in this century” by Vittorio Gregotti in philosophical text. For complexity, ‘like elements which are hybrid rather than “pure,” compromising rather than “clean,” distorted rather than “straightforward,” ambiguous rather than “articulated,” perverse as well as impersonal, boring as well as “interesting,” conventional rather than “designed,” accommodating rather than excluding, redundant rather than simple, vestigial as well as innovating, inconsistent and equivocal rather than direct and clear.” by Robert Venturi in reflective text article.

 My final project in Design 3, which was done during my Diploma program, it is a project of rest and relaxation centre for backpackers. The site assigned to our studio was at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman. The site itself is the main meet up point for the entire area. Its uniqueness derived from surrounding area of the urban fabric and atmosphere.
  Follow by the site analysis and research about the culture of jalan tunku abdul rahman, the recreational centre design idea is to create a centre that serve relaxation and a gathering centre for the backpackers. the spaces are mostly connected with several walkway to the main area of the building which is free circulation and also centralise from four different direction. From the reflective text by robert venturi, "architects can no longer afford to be intimidated by the puritanically moral language of orthodox modern architecture". as you can see from the video, those charecterics shows from elevations and form of the entire recreation centre for backpackers. 

  this recreational centre rises from the landscape, folding on a single, continuous surface to form the building's revolutionary geometric shape. flowing in all directions, the roof from the building's ceilings and walls making it the complex the skin of the building, each panel is formed to match a unique roof and then firmly secured to each neighbouring panel. the end result: a singular skin that wraps the entire building and is strong enough to withstand the weathers.

  "a valued architecture evokes many lives of meaning and combinations of focus: its space and its elements become readable and workable in several wats ar once." by robbers venturi from reflective text article. the amount of the cladding skin and it's different folding are different from any normal or typical buildings and its quite complexity. events the elements usage aren't proposed from local, it might give opportunity to start a new era of experiencing of architecture in locals areas.

   in my opinion, each architectural style represents an epoch in the history of civilisation and parametricism is the first new epochal style after modernism. by applying this thought in my project, the reflection of complexity can be seen. from the reflective text by Robert Venturi "even the house, simple in scope, is complex in purpose if the ambiguities of of contemporary experience are expressed" lastly, the complex which more in complex form with combining the alien elements of commodity, fluidity and delight not only from the form of the building and the structure but it also from understanding of sensation. 

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