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Showing posts from September, 2017


                                            CONTEXT & ARCHITECTURE                                Contextual and architecture, In another scientific words that’s more close to us. We known it as site analysis and site context. Which is a preliminary phase of architectural and urban design processes dedicated to the study of climatic, geographical, historical, legal and infrastructural context of a specific site. But actually it is more than that.                            What is the role of context in architecture today? Is context predominantly a physical issue, social, economic, or political issue; some combination of these? The question that arise when exploring this relationship ...


CONTEXT & BUILDING Architecture in context is neither a cursory attention nor a radical innovation, it is a   strong and eloquent visual relationship to the surrounding . Individual building is always seen first as a part of the whole. Creating Places and Spaces that   enrich the lives of the people who use them   is the foundation of Architects work. Every building can and should   engage in a dialog with the history, beliefs and needs of a particular place and time . Identification of place lies as a generative core of architecture.   Place is to architecture as   meaning is to language .   Recognition, memory, choice, sharing with others , t he acquisition of significance ; all these contribute to the process of architecture. “Real cities, must become the science and art of catalysing and nourishing these close- grained working relationship.” - Jane Jacobs “The keystone of the theory behind this city (Radiant City) is the liber...


Introduction Contextual Architecture is an architecture whose design inspiration comes from acknowledging not only the immediate but the larger context of building. Also called Contextualism, the term suggests an architecture that respond to its surroundings or spiritual characteristics there. Unlike any specific architectural style such as Constructivism or Deconstructivism against the fixed geometries and fabric on purpose. Contextualism includes three distinct aspects: vernacularism / vernacular architecture, regionalism / regional architecture and critical regionalism. Context comes in Latin contexere meaning to combine together. In an architectural sense, it can be conscious of unified whole that provide some characteristic of the building. " Combination of Science and architecture create a soul into a building." - Jane Jacob Role of Context in architecture today Context plays an important role in architecture as it can determine the architectural style of...